ITI introduces the WISEPHERE platform to help companies harness the potential of their data – technology

MADRID, 22. (Portaltic/EP)

The private technology center ITI presented WISEPHERE, a platform that turns company data into strategic information, aimed at any type of manufacturing sector to help them harness the potential of their data.

Between 60 percent and 73 percent of data is not used, and only 32 percent of companies are considered capable of working with it and extracting value from it, according to the results of the INDDIS project, which focused on designing, establishing and laying the foundations for the development of a new WISEPHERE infrastructure .

This platform was presented this Thursday as part of the ‘How to extract value from your data’ conference organized by ITI in collaboration with the Department of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana.

In it, the director of ITI, Laura Olcina, pointed out that “the company’s data in itself has no value” and that therefore it must be “worked on” in order to “turn it into quality information and the basis of new and increasingly personalized products services”.

However, harnessing and sharing data presents challenges, as explained by Alicante Water Transformation director Antonio Sánchez Zaplana. “Ownership, that is, who owns the data and the legitimacy to use it; quality; governance; and time sustainability,” he detailed.

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