Cristina Pacheco died at 82

Considered a pillar of Mexican public television, Cristina Pacheco, writer and journalisthe contributed with his two programs in Channel eleven, We had to live here and Interview with Cristina Pacheco, to enrich the culture of the viewer; depicting for more than forty years the daily life of all Mexicans, from the peddler to the inn cook; even famous actors and orchestra directors.

However, in the broadcast of both programs on December 1, 2023, he announced his retirement from public life due to health problems. Unfortunately, The journalist left this world on December 21, 2023. We tell you more about the career of this great Mexican chronicler.

Christina Pacheco
Cristina Pacheco / Image: Via México Desconocido.

Life and work of Cristina Pacheco

Cristina Romo Hernández, also known as Cristina Pacheco was born in Guanajuato in 1941 and studied Spanish language and literature at UNAM.. He formally began his professional career in the 1960s by collaborating with newspapers El Popular, News and in the Journal of the University of Mexicowhere she met the writer José Emilio Pacheco, who would become her husband.

In the following decades he will write for The sun of Mexico, Day and a magazine Constantly! He also participated in various radio shows on XEQ-AMthe XEW AM and Radio Formula.

Visit to television

Christina Pacheco
Cristina Pacheco / Image: Via México Desconocido.

His prolific television career began in Channel 13 and starting in 1977, he will begin his long collaboration with Canal Once. A year later, Pacheco would be the host of the program We had to live herewhich remained on the air for 45 years. During this time Pacheco visited the streets and houses, interviewed countless people, always showing intelligence and sensitivity.

In fact, in 2010 UNESCO recognized the program and included it in the list of its documentary heritage “Memory of the World”.

Christina Pacheco
Cristina Pacheco / Image: Via México Desconocido.

Likewise, in 1997, the transfer of Interview with Cristina Pacheco, in which various national stars, including musicians, writers, actors, filmmakers and artists, spoke to the journalist. The show aired for more than 25 years.

In terms of recognition, the author received the Rosario Castellanos Prize for the Cultural Career of Women in 2012 and the Inés Arredondo Fine Arts Prize for Literature in 2022.

Pacheco Publications

Finally, driver He was also engaged in narrative writing, journalistic chronicles and children’s books. These are some of his works:

Christina Pacheco
Cristina Pacheco / Image: Via México Desconocido.
  • Noodle Soup (1984).
  • Disaster Zone (1986).
  • Verbatim. Conversations with writers (2001).

Original text by Rita Carranza.

Cristina Pacheco

México Desconocido is the travel media with the longest tradition and the most visited travel network in Mexico. We want to spread our passion for the most authentic things about Mexico.

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